Be Aware! H-1B Visa Rules are Changing!
FEBRUARY 04, 2019
Late last month, the Department of Homeland Security announced a rule change to H-1B petitions, with a specific focus on those eligible for the advanced degree exemption. According to the USCIS announcement, the rule change “…reverses the order by which U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) selects H-1B petitions under the H-1B regular cap and the advanced degree exemption, and it introduces an electronic registration requirement for petitioners seeking to file H-1B cap-subject petitions.”
USCIS Director Cissna claimed that the rule changes were meant to give those with graduate degrees a better chance of selection during the H-1B lottery and to make the visa system as a whole more efficient and lower cost. The department estimates that the increase in selected petitions of master’s degrees holders will be 16%. Overall, this will help US companies fill more specialized roles with foreign workers. These changes will be effective on April 1st.
All of this is part of the Trump administration’s goal of reforming the visa process to favor more qualified or higher skilled workers, with more changes likely over the next few years.
For any worker trying to get an H-1B visa, regardless of their educational status, it is vital to get qualified legal representation as soon as possible. The changes to both the selection system and petition process can be vital in properly applying for the visa, and so it is critical to have experienced help.
上个月,国土安全局颁布了一项关于H-1B申请的新规则,尤其特别关注了那些有资格获得高等学位豁免(硕士及以上学位)的人。 根据美国公民及移民服务局(USCIS)的公告,规则变更“……颠倒了美国公民及移民服务局(USCIS)根据H-1B先普通抽签后高等学位豁免的选择H-1B申请者的顺序,并引入了电子注册,要求申请者注册。
美国公民及移民服务局局长Cissna称,规则的变化旨在让那些拥有硕士及以上学位的人在H-1B抽签期间有更好的机会被选上,并使整个签证制度更有效率和更低成本。 该部门估计,持有硕士及以上学位申请人被选中的数量将增加16%。 总的来说,这将有助于美国公司招聘到在更加专业细分的职位上的外国员工。 这些更改将于4月1日生效。
对于任何试图获得H-1B签证的工人,无论其教育程度如何,尽快获得高质量的法律援助至关重要。 选择制度和申请程序的变化对于正确地申请签证至关重要,因此获得有经验的帮助相当关键。