Corey Lee speaks at Pace University
OCTOBER 19, 2018
Corey Lee was invited to Pace University to give a speech on H-1B visa and other types of visas that allow international students to stay in the U.S legally after they are graduated. Topics covered introduction on H-1B, O-1, L-1 and EB-5 visa. Over 20 Chinese international students participated in this event and most of them were interested in applying for H-1B visa next year. Many students were concerned about the transition from OPT period to H-1B visa, especially when it comes to keeping their status legally. For those whose major are arts related, O-1 visa would be an excellent choice because there is no cap limit, and seekers can apply any time of the year.
A few students were passionate about E-2 visa, but one thing should be mindful is that Chinese and India nationals do not qualify for E-2 visa (Hong Kong or Taiwan nationals excluded), so basically E-2 visa can be considered as an alternative to EB-5 visas, with lower investment amount required and faster processing time.
李国宇律师被邀请到佩斯大学就H-1B签证和其他类型的签证发表演讲,这些签证允许国际学生在毕业后合法留在美国。 主题涉及H-1B,O-1,L-1和EB-5签证的介绍。 20多名中国留学生参加了此次活动,他们中的大多数都有兴趣在明年申请H-1B签证。 许多学生担心如何顺利从OPT期间过渡到H-1B签证期间保持其合法身份时。 对于那些主修艺术相关的学术来说,O-1签证是一个很好的选择,因为没有数量上限,求职者可以在一年中的任何时间申请。
一些学生对E-2签证充满热情,但有一点需要注意的是,中国和印度国民没有资格获得E-2签证(香港或台湾公民例外),所以基本上E-2签证可视为 EB-5签证的替代品,需要相对较少的投资金额和更快的处理时间。