Corey Lee speaking at Narrows Senior Center
DECEMBER 10, 2018
Over 20 seniors showed up for the event, most of them are already green card holders, they were desperate to know what to do to avoid troubles in terms of being a U.S citizen. Corey explained the definition of “public charge”, which may include those who have been receiving Medicare, Medicaid, food stamp or other kinds of government benefit programs.
The seminar also covered the topic “Special Immigrant Juveniles” program, and how Trump administration affects it. For juveniles who are under 21, and if they have been abused, abandoned, or neglected by a parent, they may be eligible for this program and obtain a green card.
Before the end of the event, special guest Iftekhar introduced a new healthcare program called CDPAP (Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program). Senior applicants can appoint anyone they want to be their caregiver.
超过20名老年人参加了此次活动,他们中的大多数已经是绿卡持有者,他们迫切希望知道如何规避作为美国公民的问题。 李国宇律师解释了“公共负担”的定义,是指那些一直在接受医疗保险,医疗补助,食品券或其他政府福利计划的人。
研讨会还讨论了“特殊未成年移民”计划以及川普政府对该计划的影响。 对于未满21岁的未成年人,如果他们被父母虐待,遗弃或忽视,他们可能有资格参加此计划并获得绿卡。
在活动结束前,特邀嘉宾Iftekhar推出了一项名为CDPAP(消费者导向个人援助计划)的新医疗保健计划。 老年申请人可以任命照顾他们的人。